A car crash often results in two kinds of harm: to people and to property. Personal injury and property damage claims are dealt with separately. Property losses are usually paid earlier in the case, and any personal injury compensation is often acquired much later....
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Rochester Personal Injury Law Blog
How long does it take to settle a workers’ compensation case in Minnesota?
On Behalf of Klampe Law Firm LLC | Jul 19, 2022 | Workers Compensation
When you are dealing with the devastating aftermath of a workplace accident, the medical bills and other expenses can quickly pile up. If you’re unable to work for an extended period of time, you likely want to know how quickly you could get the benefits that you need...
Why stacking personal injury protection (PIP) insurance makes sense
On Behalf of Klampe Law Firm LLC | Mar 10, 2022 | Car Accidents
Every Minnesota auto insurance policy includes mandatory Personal Injury Protection (also called “PIP” or “no-fault”) coverage. The basic maximum coverage is $20,000 for medical expenses and $20,000 for economic loss, including wage loss. When the no-fault law was...
Three injuries commonly denied by workers’ compensation insurers
On Behalf of Klampe Law Firm LLC | Feb 16, 2022 | Workers Compensation
Some on-the-job injuries clearly warrant workers' compensation benefits, such as when a construction worker fractures a leg in a fall. It is difficult for an insurance company to deny such a claim when the cause of the accident is clear and the effects of the injury...
How to prepare for a car accident
On Behalf of Klampe Law Firm LLC | Jan 26, 2022 | Car Accidents
As a Rochester area motorist, you are probably well aware of how often car crashes happen. Though you have not been in one, you should have a thorough understanding of steps you can take after one. Many car crash victims feel disoriented and shaken up after motor...
The benefits of a workers’ compensation attorney in Minnesota
On Behalf of Klampe Law Firm LLC | Jan 4, 2022 | Workers Compensation
After an injury at work, the claim process can feel overwhelming and complicated. At a time when you want to be able to rest and recover, you may feel frustrated with questions and paperwork. You may have typical concerns of: what should I give to the insurer, what...
Minnesota traffic fatalities may top 500 this year
On Behalf of Klampe Law Firm LLC | Dec 14, 2021 | Car Accidents
Minnesota is closing in on a concerning record. The state could see the number of annual traffic fatalities top 500, a number that was last reached 14 years ago. According to the Minnesota Office of Traffic Safety, a total of 465 people have died on state roads...
Insurers Who Try to Push a Fast Injury Settlement
On Behalf of Klampe Law Firm LLC | Nov 2, 2021 | Injuries
Watch Out! After a serious injury, victims are sometimes approached by the at-fault party’s insurer and offered a prompt settlement. It is nearly always a mistake to settle quickly, especially if the injury is on-going or will have long-term consequences. There are...
What to do if you need medical treatment but your workers’ comp claim is denied
On Behalf of Klampe Law Firm LLC | Oct 11, 2021 | Workers Compensation
After getting seriously injured on the job, you probably will need medical treatment to get better. Besides your doctor, you might need to visit physical therapists, occupational therapists and other experts to reduce your pain and regain your physical abilities....
Reasons why insurance companies deny workers’ compensation claims in Minnesota
by Klampe Law Firm LLC | Aug 23, 2021 | Workers Compensation
If you suffer a workplace injury, you may be out of work and dependent on workers’ compensation payments to meet your needs while you recover enough to be able to return to work. Thus, it can be devastating if the insurance company denies your claim. Here are some of...
Recent Posts
- What to do if you need medical treatment and your workers’ compensation claim is denied
- 4 things to do after receiving a notice to discontinue benefits
- How do workers’ compensation settlements work?
- The role of a workers’ compensation attorney in the claim process
- What are the 5 classifications of workers’ compensation cases?
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