Rochester Personal Injury Case Results
$2,350,000 for Young Woman with Serious Brain Injury
We joined another law firm who represented the guardian of a young woman with a complex medical history who was injured in a serious T-bone collision between a distracted passenger van driver and another driver going over the speed limit. The case went into litigation, and through a series of complex motions, we ensured that both defendants were held accountable for their contributions resulting in a serious brain injury, among other harms, suffered by the young woman. We also collaborated with experts to structure her proceeds in a manner that would preserve her public benefits and receive court approval.
$2,000,000+ for Semi-Truck Collision in Ohio
In a tragic crash involving a semi-truck and a van, a mother and two children were killed, and a young girl suffered serious injuries. Collaborating with Ohio counsel, we secured a settlement far exceeding the truck’s $2 million insurance coverage, while providing compassionate support to the grieving family.
$2,000,000+ for Out-of-State Semi-Truck Collision with Minnesota Connections
In a devastating crash, a semi-truck with faulty tires skidded on a wet freeway, crashing over a barrier into a van traveling the opposite direction. The van driver, a mother, and two of her children tragically died, while another child sustained serious injuries. The surviving children had Minnesota ties, and the injured child’s father lived in Southeast Minnesota. We immediately helped the family select and collaborate with a skilled law firm in the state where the accident occurred. Working closely with the local firm, we achieved a settlement that exceeded the trucking company’s $2 million insurance policy limit, ensuring justice and support for the grieving family. When necessary, we partner with trusted local counsel to deliver the best results for our clients.
$2,000,000 for Single-Vehicle Crash
We represented the parents of a young man killed in a rollover crash. Coordinating with multiple families and insurers, we achieved full policy payouts without litigation, ensuring fair resolution and preserving peace among grieving families.
$1,600,000 for Boating Tragedy
A father of three tragically drowned when a faulty steering mechanism on his new boat failed. By preserving critical evidence and working with a boating expert, we proved dealer negligence and secured a $1.6 million settlement, sparing the family from prolonged litigation.
$1,400,000 for Woman T-boned by Logging Truck
Klampe Law Firm represented a young woman who was T-boned in a violent collision that threw her vehicle into a ravine. She suffered a multitude of serious injuries, including a traumatic brain injury. After we retained experts and our investigator tracked down footage of the at-fault driver moments before the impact driving carefree and at an unsafe speed for a truck hauling a load of logs, the defendant agreed to go to mediation prior to litigation.
$1,250,000 for Head-On Collision with Life-Altering Injuries
Our client, near retirement age, suffered devastating injuries in a head-on collision caused by a distracted driver with a suspended license. Her injuries included multiple fractures, a shattered hip, internal trauma, and severe respiratory issues requiring long-term oxygen therapy. She endured extensive surgeries, a four-month hospitalization, and ongoing physical limitations. We recovered the full insurance coverage limits to compensate for her immense pain, suffering, and life-altering impairments.
$1,250,000 for Wisconsin Motor Vehicle Crash
We successfully resolved a Wisconsin client’s serious injury case for the full $1.25 million in available insurance coverage. The case involved coordinating with Wisconsin criminal courts regarding the at-fault driver and managing substantial medical bill repayments to Wisconsin Medicaid and federal Medicare. Due to our client’s limited mobility, we traveled to her home, hospital, and rehabilitation center multiple times to provide the personal attention her case required. Additionally, we helped her prepare for her settlement by assisting with financial planning, including creating a Will, Power of Attorney, and Health Care Directive, and addressing outstanding debts. We go above and beyond to meet our clients’ needs, whatever their circumstances.
$1,000,000+ for Injured Motorist
We successfully resolved an auto collision case for the full policy limits of liability insurance, umbrella insurance, underinsured motorist insurance and PIP (no-fault) insurance. The client was seriously injured in an auto collision, along with two others. After a careful workup of the details of the collision, the injuries, and the long-term implications on the client’s life, we then coordinated a mediation with the insurer and the other injured people and their attorneys. The net result for our client was a recovery of well over $1 million and financial security for life. We also, at no additional charge, helped him to qualify for Social Security Disability benefits, and Medicare to help cover his future medical needs.
$1,000,000+ for Family of Teenager Killed by Drunk Driver
In a terribly tragic case, we represented the family of a child who was killed by an intoxicated driver while the child was crossing a street. We secured every insurance coverage available and made sure that funds were allocated appropriately to the next-of-kin.
$1,000,000+ for Severe Orthopedic Injuries from Auto Collision
Our client, a middle-aged man, suffered life-altering injuries in a head-on collision caused by a driver who ran a red arrow. He endured extensive fractures requiring multiple surgeries, including an eight-level spinal fusion. His recovery included months of hospitalization, rehabilitation, and ongoing therapy. Despite substantial challenges in this case, we recovered over $1 million to compensate for his injuries, future medical needs, and lost earning capacity, and securing an annuity that would compensate him for the rest of his life.
$1,000,000 for Sexual Abuse Survivor
A young man sexually abused by a relative received a $1 million settlement, ensuring lifelong support. We guided the family through the criminal process, helped the client resolve personal legal issues, and set him on a path toward healing and stability.
$1,000,000 for Victim of Assault
Our firm secured a $1 million judgment against a man who, while intoxicated, caused an orthopedic injury to our client, to which the assailant pled guilty.
$900,000 for Gravel Road Collision
Our client suffered severe injuries in a head-on collision caused by a reckless driver on a rural gravel road. Through skilled negotiations, we recovered the bodily injury limits as we as $700,000 in underinsured motorist coverage. We also ensured workers’ compensation covered all medical bills and continued future care.
$900,000 for Motorcyclist Injured by Dump Truck
A motorcyclist suffered severe injuries when a dump truck cut him off. Despite the initial denial of responsibility, we gathered evidence from witnesses and uncovered that the truck driver was underage. We secured nearly full insurance coverage, helping the client establish financial stability through an annuity and Social Security benefits.
$746,000 for Brain Injury from Car Crash
A young Somali man suffered a brain injury and chronic headaches as a passenger in a multi-car crash. Despite the insurance company’s refusal to settle, we secured a $746,000 verdict after a two-week trial. We overcame language barriers and complex fault disputes, supported by expert testimony from accident reconstructionists, medical specialists, and economists.
$700,000 for Woman Injured by Teen Driver Who Crossed Highway Median
Our client was a retiree, driving south on a highway. A teen driver lost control of their vehicle and crossed the median at highway speeds, resulting in a head-on collision. Our client suffered a low-back injury among others that left her with limited mobility until after multiple surgeries. The insurance company claimed that her injuries were largely the result of degenerative conditions, a typical insurance claim to make. Mediation was unsuccessful in resolving the case. We sued the defendant and litigated the case. Shortly before trial, we were able to resolve the claim.
$699,000, with $249,000 in Punitive Damages, for Disabled Man Abused by Caretaker
Our client, a paraplegic with a progressive neurological disorder, suffered abuse and neglect while living in an adult foster care group home. A personal care attendant struck him on the head, verbally abused him, and dropped him during a wheelchair transfer. When he attempted to report the abuse, he was denied access to a phone and medical care. After finally reaching authorities, he was taken for medical evaluation but was subsequently evicted in retaliation.
The Minnesota Department of Health investigated and substantiated the physical abuse. We sued the caretaker and facility owners for violations of the Vulnerable Adult Act, assault and battery, negligent hiring, retention and supervision, and negligent infliction of emotional distress. Despite clear evidence, including an audiotape of the abuse played for the jury, the defendants denied the allegations, offering only $10,000 during mediation and $50,000 after two days of trial. Both offers were rejected.
The jury awarded $450,000 in compensatory damages and, in a second trial phase, $249,000 in punitive damages for the facility’s reckless disregard for our client’s safety. Our thorough investigation of the facility’s operations and financial records was instrumental in securing the punitive damages award.
$675,000 for Woman with Pre-Existing Conditions Rear-Ended by Distracted Driver
Our client, a disabled woman with a history of spinal surgeries, was severely injured as a rear-seat passenger when a distracted driver rear-ended her vehicle. The collision caused a T5 vertebra fracture, necessitating a seven-level spinal fusion surgery. Already managing spine issues, the new injuries significantly worsened her chronic pain and mobility, leaving her dependent on a cane and motorized scooter. Despite her pre-existing vulnerabilities, we demonstrated the collision’s role in exacerbating her condition, securing a $675,000 settlement.
$650,000 for Man Bitten by Law Enforcement K-9
Our client, a homeless military veteran battling mental health challenges, was severely and permanently injured when a law enforcement K-9 bit him while he was sleeping. Officers were in the area searching for someone involved in an unrelated incident. We retained a national K-9 handling expert and meticulously reviewed records, bodycam footage, and squad video to reconstruct the timeline of events, proving multiple Fourth Amendment violations and countering the municipality’s immunity defense. The case resolved successfully through mediation, avoiding litigation. Beyond securing $650,000, we also helped our client rebuild his life—assisting with reinstating his license, purchasing a home, clearing a longstanding judgment, and connecting him with resources to support his independence.
$650,000 for Distracted Teen Driver Fatality
Our client’s husband was killed when he was struck on the highway shoulder at night after his car broke down. The 16-year-old driver of the at-fault vehicle (driving with just a learner’s permit) was distracted trying to help her mother adjust the navigation system screen to get past the warning “Do Not Use While Driving.” She drifted onto the shoulder and struck and killed this husband and father of three young children.
The young driver’s parents had recently divorced, and we were able to prove through divorce papers and an aggressive investigation that she was a resident of both parents’ household for resulting in both parents’ $300,000 auto liability coverage available for the claim. The case settled for the full limits of both insurance policies, plus the full limit of the deceased man’s underinsured motorist insurance coverage, plus the full no-fault survivor’s and funeral expense benefit.
$500,000+ for Nursing Home Burn Injury
As a result of a stroke, our client lived in a nursing home and needed help with bathing. Due to some complex engineering problems, the bath water came out scalding hot. The nursing home aide carelessly lowered him into the water without checking the temperature. The resulting burn caused a lengthy hospitalization and partial foot amputation. We achieved a settlement of well over one-half million dollars from the nursing home, the plumbing company and the firm which designed the plumbing system.
$500,000+ for Family in Single-Vehicle Rollover
We represented multiple family members injured in a rollover crash, many of them minor children. Through careful collection of documentation and case presentation, we obtained more than a half-million dollars for the various family members, including all bodily injury coverage. The court approved the settlements we presented.
$500,000 for Wagon Driver Rear-Ended by Pickup Truck
Our client was a wagon driver with a passion for raising horses. In a moment of inattention, another driver rear-ended the wagon, breaking it into pieces and throwing our client into the street. A jovial senior citizen, our client suffered a broken leg and blood infection, with significant scarring. After a year of the insurance company ignoring him and giving him the runaround, he retained our firm. We secured every dollar of insurance coverage available.
$425,000 for Spine Injuries in Crash by Co-Driver in Semi-Truck
Semi-truck crashes can lead to serious injuries, including for the drivers and passengers of the semi. Our client was a co-driver in a semi-truck out-of-state, off duty and sleeping in the sleeper compartment. The driver of the semi-truck crashed into another vehicle, tragically killing the other driver. Our client suffered a serious back injury. We were able to collaborate with the other plaintiff attorney and the defense to secure a fair settlement in light of limited coverage, including all underinsured motorist coverage available through our client’s own policy.
$400,000 for Wrongful Death of Unmarried Hispanic Father
We represented two children whose father was tragically killed when a semi-truck ran a stop sign. Despite challenges with the father’s undocumented status, disputed paternity, and a contested claim from another party, we secured $400,000 for the children. We also resolved paternity issues, amended birth certificates, and ensured the children’s rights were fully protected.
$398,500 for Fall Through Hole at Home Construction Site, with Fault Strongly Dispute
Our client was on a residential construction site when she stepped backward into an uncovered hole, falling into the basement. We brought claims against the general contractor and the electrician’s insurance. Both insurance companies denied the claims arguing that the hole was open and obvious. Our client underwent back surgery and gradually returned to employment. After winning some motions regarding the legal standard affecting the case, our firm settled her case for $398,500 shortly before trial.
$395,000 for Family T-boned at Highway Intersection
Highway collisions can be extremely dangerous. Our clients were driving along the highway when, at a T-intersection, another driver failed to yield, colliding with the backside of our clients’ vehicle, causing it to spin out of control and come to a crashing halt. Our clients suffered from traumatic brain injuries and soft-tissue spine injuries. With litigation, we obtained nearly all insurance coverage available, including putting the recovery for a minor child into an annuity to protect the funds until she was older.
$350,000 for Man’s Fall from Ladder at Sister’s Home with Fault Strongly Dispute
Our client went to a relative’s home to help with a move. The relative requested he climb a ladder to look into the attic area of the garage. As he was near the top of the ladder looking into the storage area, the ladder slipped from underneath him, and he fell onto the concrete floor of the garage. He sustained a compression fracture in his lower back, rendering him unable to continue his profession. We brought claims against the homeowner’s insurance and the relative’s rental insurance policies. Initially the insurance companies completely denied the claim, arguing that our client was at fault. Our firm settled his case for $350,000 shortly before trial.
$300,000 for Mom T-boned by Teen Driver
A mom and her family were T-boned by an inattentive teen driver. Our client had a history of back problems that were well managed prior to the crash. This crash caused her condition to spiral out of control for years until a spinal fusion surgery helped restore much of her function. With the help of her treating surgeon, we were able to litigate and achieve a strong settlement for this client, despite her pre-existing back condition. Even in cases where an injury victim has a pre-existing condition like this one, we were able to recover a meaningful settlement without need for trial.
$280,745, with $200,000 in Punitive Damages, for Man Struck in Face While Eating at Restaurant
Our client went to a restaurant after the bar closed with his fiancée and friends. A group of other patrons seated in the adjacent booth at the restaurant were loud and threw food and water into our client’s booth. When our client’s friend requested that they quiet down and leave them alone, one of the men in the adjoining booth came over to our client’s booth and struck him multiple times in the face, causing facial injuries.
$264,586 for 21-Year-Old Woman Sexually Assaulted by Stepfather
Our client was sexually abused by a relative for years. She finally told someone who reported the matter to the authorities. After an investigation, her abuser was charged with several felony-level offenses arising from his sexual abuse of our client. He ultimately pled guilty to a felony offense of criminal sexual conduct in the second degree. We were able to assist the client in settling the matter for $264,586.
$200,000 for Single-Vehicle Crash Caused by Drunk Driver
We secured all applicable coverage plus a no-fault recovery for a client who was injured when her intoxicated family member drove off the road at a high speed, rolling the vehicle and severely injuring both driver and passenger. Through careful information gathering, we were able to persuade the insurance companies to offer all funds available within a matter of months and minimize internal family conflict by expediting the process.
$200,000 for Death of Young Man Chased by Dog into Moving Vehicle
Our client was a recent immigrant to the United States. He had just started college and was also working to help support his family. While he was walking in a residential area of St. Paul, a large dog left its yard and growled at him. Scared of being attacked by the dog, our client ran into the street and was struck by a vehicle and killed.
Our firm successfully brought a claim under the homeowner’s insurance for the dog owner under the Minnesota dog-bite statute. While often called the “dog bite” statute, this law does not require any bite or even physical contact with the dog before the dog owner is liable. Despite only minimal documentation of part-time earnings, we were able to assist our client to obtain a $200,000 settlement for our client’s family, including funds for some of his siblings in a refugee camp.
$175,000 for Icy Slip-and-Fall Injury at Apartment
We were successful in asserting a claim for a woman who slipped and fell on an icy sidewalk at her apartment complex, fracturing her elbow and requiring surgery. Liability was contested, but we were able to demonstrate in litigation that the roof and lack of gutters contributed to the unsafe condition that was left untreated.
$172,000 for Farmer with Whiplash Injury
After a rear-end collision caused by a student driver, an area farmer suffered chronic neck pain. Both drivers’ insurers denied responsibility, but we proved liability at trial and secured over $172,000 for our client’s ongoing treatment and recovery.
$165,000 for Child Kicked by Teammate at Practice
In a case of childhood behavior gone wrong, our client was struck in the backside by another child who intended to be funny. Our client fell to the ground and suffered a tailbone fracture, leading to chronic pain. We brought a lawsuit after denial of liability, yielding a favorable result through mediation without need for trial.
$146,000 for Trip-and-Fall Injury at Fast-Food Restaurant
Our client was an energetic and vibrant grandmother who fell and broke her hip at a fast-food restaurant, where steps leading downward to the eating area were not prominently marked. The insurance company denied liability and we put the case into litigation. With the assistance of an expert, we were able to prove to the defense that the color of the tile leading to the steps was too similar to the color of the steps, with no other markings or handrails to help patrons recognize the stairs. Despite initially denying liability, the defense yielded and paid our client for her injuries.
Ongoing Medical Benefits for Fighting for Denied Coverage
When an auto insurer cuts off medical benefits for a client injured in an auto collision, we challenge unfair denials through no-fault arbitration. We have gotten benefits restored countless times to support our clients’ medical ongoing care or economic benefits. Time and time again, we demonstrate our commitment to more than monetary results.
Negotiating Subrogation Interests
Our job does not end with recovering funds for our injured clients. We go the extra mile to negotiate down required reimbursements, called “subrogation,” to entities such as health insurers. We have saved our clients millions of dollars in proceeds claimed by health insurers and others through careful negotiations, putting substantially more money in the pockets of our injury clients.
Contact Klampe Law Firm LLC
Call or email our law firm to set up your free initial consultation with our personal injury attorney, André Novack.