An on-the-job injury can be devastating. Although workers’ compensation insurance ordinarily covers injuries while you are at work, there is always the possibility the insurance company will deny your claim.
When this happens, you must know why you received a denial and what to do about it.
Reasons for a denial
There are a few reasons why workers’ compensation might deny your claim. Some of these reasons are:
- There is doubt that you were injured at work
- The injury was caused by something other than work
- You did not inform your employer of the injury
- You did not seek medical treatment directed by your own doctor
- You did not cooperate with the claims carrier or representative
- You were under the influence of controlled substances or alcohol
You could also receive a denial if you failed go to the doctor hired by the workers’ compensation insurer (“IME”).
What to do
In Minnesota, you need to file the Employee’s Claim Petition. With this, you and the insurance company will be scheduled for a settlement conference to try to settle the dispute. If the case does not settle at the settlement conference, your claim will be scheduled for a formal hearing by a workers’ compensation judge with the Office of Administrative Hearings.
How to get medical treatment during a denial
If the claim has been denied but you require medical treatment, in most situations, you may still receive the medical treatment. Please contact the attorneys at Klampe Law Firm to discuss your options for coverage of that medical treatment.
A workers’ compensation denial is not the end of the road. Employees should be aware of their rights.